So let me get this straight, Hillary Clinton should be the Democratic nominee because she is Landslide Lyndon in...West Virginia? The rich Yale grad has wooed the less-educated, poorer white voters who would never vote for a black person. That's a recommendation. The best send up of the charade comes from the Washington Post's Dana Milbank. Well, there's also Amy Poehler on SNL.
Memo to Sen. Clinton: Those people will vote for McCain in the fall.
The longer Hillary stays in the race, the more one is prone to reflect unsentimentally on the Clinton years in the White House. Mrs. Clinton's arrogance squandered a chance for universal healthcare. Bill helped elect a GOP Congress for the first time in 40 years. He pushed through NAFTA and a host of destructive deregulation. He brought China into the WTO with no protections for American jobs. He squandered historic opportunities, lastly sinking into the squalid Monica scandal. She picked a state in which she had never lived as her senatorial entitlement. The net was to make the election of 2000 close enough for the Republicans to steal, leading to the calamity of W and Dick.
This is the woman who would be president? Not even in 2012 if she manages to sink Obama.
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